Call experienced bilingual Attorney Edwardo Meza Now!

Prostitution is a crime in our state. The consequences can be long-lasting and affect your future opportunities if you are convicted. Many people become involved with prostitution when they are minors and not yet legal adults.

The stakes when you face sex-related charges are high and can include jail time or hefty fines. You are innocent until proven guilty, but the legal process is complex and navigating it requires help from a seasoned criminal defense attorney. A Fort Worth prostitution lawyer could ensure your rights are observed.

What to Know About Local Laws

Any kind of sexual conduct performed in exchange for money has a legal consequence. A person commits the crime of prostitution when they offer to, engage in, or agree to engage in sexual conduct for a fee. Asking for a sex worker’s rate is also considered prostitution.

It is also unlawful to promote prostitution, which is called pandering or pimping. In addition, an individual commits an offense of managing a prostitution enterprise if they knowingly own, invest in, finance, control, supervise, or manage an enterprise that involves two or more prostitutes.

It is also illegal to cause a minor under the age of 18 to participate in prostitution, regardless of whether the defendant knew of their age. Further, solicitation only applies to people who are seeking to engage in sexual conduct for a fee; prostitutes face different charges.

Because the state is tough on prostitution, it is important to hire a Fort Worth lawyer who will fiercely defend your rights.

Possible Consequences

The penalties for sex work-related crimes can vary. Potential penalties include:

  • Misdemeanor or felony charges
  • Probation
  • Community service
  • Participation in rehabilitation programs
  • Fines
  • Jail time
  • Mandatory registration as a sex offender
  • Prison sentences as long as 99 years

Penalties escalate similarly to those for engaging in prostitution, with increased severity for repeat offenses. A prostitution attorney in Fort Worth could argue for reduced charges or lighter consequences.

Possible Defenses to Prostitution Charges

Many cases involve people who were often coerced or intimidated into prostitution. Luckily, they may avoid prostitution convictions. Courts may offer protections, such as protection orders, to children and adults who escape their forced conditions.

Even if the defendant is not a victim, there are still possible defenses at their disposal:

  • Lack of evidence
  • Entrapment, where an undercover police officer enticed someone to engage in prostitution
  • Lack of probable cause, where there was no explicit offer for prostitution and the police did not have probable cause to arrest the defendant
  • Mistaken identity, when the accused can show they were not the person involved in the alleged act
  • False accusations made out of spite, revenge, or misunderstanding
  • Violation of constitutional rights, such as improper search and seizure or the accused not being read their Miranda rights

A criminal defense attorney in Fort Worth with experience in prostitution cases will be able to explore possible defenses during a consultation.

Contact a Prostitution Defense Attorney in Fort Worth Today

When you need to defend yourself against prostitution-related charges, the first step to take is to contact an attorney to explore your legal options. It is important not to risk a conviction by handling your case alone. Prostitution cases can be sensitive with consequences that can affect the rest of your life.

A Fort Worth prostitution lawyer could give you truthful advice on how to move forward. Eduardo Meza could support your case from beginning to end. Reach out today for a consultation.